Cousin Alice's Press: New Releases-Name That Pet!
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Cousin Alice's Press
          Tales of Human Interest

Name That Pet!
A Practical Guide to Naming Your Dog,
Cat & Other Household Pets

By Naomi Jones

Trade Paperback
6x9, 224 pages - 2004
ISBN-10: 0-9719786-3-8
ISBN-13: 978-09719786-3-8 

$12.99 USD


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"We really like this book and think that our readers will find it very useful."

                             --- Pet Fancy Magazine
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Name That Pet! is an animal/pet-naming reference book. It contains 22 chapters, which categorize names according to look (size/color), personality, breed origins, and pop-cultural references. It is informative in an educational context as well as a useful tool for personalizing a new household pet.
<--- Sample chapters! --->

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